Why choose Aluminium Windows from Definition?
Thermal Performance – Aluminium Windows contribute an incredible thermal and sound insulation which actually exceeds current building regulations. The efficiency of our aluminium windows is substantially higher than most other materials. High performance aluminium frames are able to exceed energy standards and improve heat gain and loss by up to 50%.
Durability and Low Maintenance – Aluminium Windows are corrosion resistant and therefore extremely easy to maintain. They have an extremely long product life-span, as they are weather resistant against a large range of weather conditions.
Affordability – Aluminium frames are not only strong and economical, but also come at an attractive price in comparison with some other frame types. It is a great, cost-effective option for your windows and doors.
Design – Aluminium has become a growing choice in the 20th century and our frames come in a range of finishing which ensures you can match your windows to your home décor. The powder coating comes in a variety of contemporary colours too, along with metallic, matt and high-gloss finishes available.
Recyclable – One of the most environmentally sustainable materials, Aluminium offers the highest recycling rate in comparison with most other metals
The most energy efficient frame available, improving thermal regulation by up to 50%
Our Aluminium Windows come in a range of styles and finishes - and with affordable prices you can match your windows to your home decor.
Our aluminium windows come with an average WER rating A for ultimate durability and performance.

Our aluminium range is amongst the best on the market and is guaranteed to help you reduce energy costs.
Consider our triple glazed aluminium windows for even quieter, warmer & tougher windows!

optimum performance
Quieter, safer, warmer - alongside the most durable material on the market.
10 year warranty
Our aluminium windows all come with a 10 year warranty, for extra piece of mind.
Take a look at some of our recent Aluminium installations